Derivados Citricos S.A. celebrates 30 year Anniversary (1987-2017)
In April 2017, Derivados Citricos S.A. one of Europe’s leading producers of lemon juice and lemon-derived products, celebrated it’s 30th anniversary.
To mark the occasion, employees were taken for a surprise day out of the factory and over to nearby Elche, to an adventure park where they worked together in two teams in order to complete tasks that incorporated the recently established company Values.
So with the two teams set up (Team Quicklemon vs Team Quicklime of course) employees had to work together to get the fastest times in a multi-adventure circuit: Then a climb and an abseil up and down a 22 metre traction tower:

And finally the teams had to coordinate together in the lake to navigate their blindfolded colleagues to find the key that would open the treasure box:
The team that finally won overall the day’s activities was….
Team Quicklime!
However there were no real losers on a day packed with action time spent with coworkers and a barbecue to celebrate 30 years of success. Here’s to the next 30!